Welcome to! This space is organized as a living document subject to ongoing collaborative iteration. It provides a series of themes, topics and readings on cities. The goal is to create a shared entry point to the world of city planning and urbanism. It serves as a general introduction to the field through the lenses of complex adaptive systems.

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Here's a couple of other things I'm doing.

Layer is an urban orchestration platform that enables you to plan, design and manage better urban environments. We do not expect scientific rationalism to solve cities anytime soon. But we can try to improve urban environments by putting state-of-the-art tools in the hands of mayors and public officials around the world. We aspire to be the software infrastructure that will run the cities of tomorrow.


thinkthinkthink is my broad newsletter on cities, science and complex systems. Consider this a personal attempt to clarify my thinking on key urban issues. It might sometimes read as a diary - but I hope it will always light-up a couple of novel & interesting neural circuits. I usually add a book recommendation, three riveting articles and the five most striking tweets I encountered during the week.